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Nyxt browser: keyboard.org

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On why the keyboard is likely to remain the leading input device for knowledge workers, how keyboard design impacts ergonomics, and the consequences that keyboard firmware has on the design of advanced shell programs (those that expose the OS to end users).

Input devices

Unlike typical users who interact with information systems in the way they were meant to be used, knowledge workers constantly craft them as to attain optimized workflows. Notice that the process is continuous, since the tasks they use their systems for are a moving target.

Keyboards have been the primary input device for these systems. As their adoption became widespread, more intuitive interfaces have been devised, namely voice interfaces. While intuitive, they are unlikely to replace the keyboard for knowledge workers altogether. Besides being physiologically challenging to use one's voice over long periods of time, it also accounts to a single serial channel, while the keyboard provides ten channels that can be almost regarded as parallel.1

Voice input may be used to enter a first draft of textual information to be subsequently edited with the keyboard. Note that error correction by voice is inefficient. More broadly, from all of the instructions that users send to these systems, few fall in the category where voice input excels.

Some have gone to great lengths to perform complex tasks such as moving the cursor, selecting pieces of text or managing windows by voice.2 It should be noted that the motivation for such endeavors are RSI (repetitive strain injury) and sheer curiosity. The claim that it is pinnacle of efficiency has no support, given the design of today's systems.

The popularity of voice user interfaces in on the rise and it seems reasonable to anticipate that it will become the preferred input method for typical end users. For knowledge workers, however, it may be a mere complementary input device, similar to the role played by pointing devices such as mice, trackballs or touchpads.

Keyboard design and ergonomics

For decades, researchers have been conducting experiments that measure arm strain and proposing alternative keyboard designs such as split keyboards, whose patents appear as early as 1915 by F. Heidner.3 4 The next paragraphs detail how the design of modern split keyboards improve ergonomics, namely by avoiding ulnar deviation, wrist extension and arm pronation.

Take the line that connects the elbow to the wrist, and another connecting the middle of the wrist to the tip of the middle finger. Ulnar deviation is observed when these two lines aren't parallel. Split keyboards avoid it by enabling typing at shoulder width.

Keyboard feet (below the Fn-keys row) cause wrist extension. Since this is undesirable from an ergonomics perspective, providing the user a better overview of the keys is a plausible explanation for its existence. But all knowledge workers are touch typists, thus making them useless. From an ergonomics standpoint, the keyboard should lie flat or at a negative angle (for instance, by placing feet where the wrists rest).

Arm pronation results from laying the palm of our hands down on a table. This isn't the most natural position and keyboard "tenting" mitigates it. The "tenting" is achieved by placing feet on the inner side of each keyboard half.

While fingers move along straight lines, the ANSI/ISO keyboard features row stagger (the A and Z keys are indented with respect to the Q key). Unfortunately, as the mechanical typewriters predate modern keyboards, they have inherited this poor design that prevented the mechanical jamming of keys. Column stagger, on the other hand, makes perfect sense since it accounts for the different lengths of the fingers. The standard keyboard makes little use of the thumbs. Given their strength, it is unfortunate that the space key is so wide since the thumbs could cover more keys.

As a side node on the topic of ergonomics, it is often argued that reaching out for the the mouse must be avoided at all costs. It is inefficient to do it several times per minute (e.g. to adjust the cursor), but that doesn't mean that ditching pointing devices altogether is wise. The golden rule in ergonomics says that sustained periods in any position are to be avoided.

The Sofle keyboard5 in an example of a design that takes all of these considerations into account.

Keyboard Firmware and QMK

QMK6 is a project centered around developing firmware for computer input devices. Find a very superficial overview of some of its features below.

Layers. Think of Fn key, found on laptops, as a way to assign more functions to the same set of physical keys. In QMK, a layer is a 2D array whose dimensions are dictated by the physical keys of the keyboard and the values are keycodes. A keymap is a list of these layers (a 3D array), i.e. a stack of them and only a single layer is active at any given time. If you are familiar with the Fn lock button, then the concept of momentary and latching layer keys is also clear.

Mod taps. On tap they behave like regular keys, while on hold they act like a modifier keys. The consequences are far reaching. There is no longer the need to assign a key to act exclusively as a modifier key. A typical configuration, known as home row mods7, assigns the home row keys to mod taps symmetrically. For instance (on QWERTY), holding F or J triggers Shift, holding D or K triggers Ctrl, holding S or L triggers Alt and A or ; triggers Super. The common 4 modifiers keys map perfectly to the 4 fingers and the mirror symmetry offloads some of the strain. For example, to produce Ctrl+f both hands should be used: holding K to produce Ctrl with the right hand, and tapping F with the left hand.

Tap dance. Send a different keycode depending on how many times a key is tapped.

Combos. Press several keys together to produce a particular action. Example, press Q and W together and trigger Esc.

Mouse emulation. Control the pointer with the keyboard. It isn't as accurate as other pointing devices but it avoids reaching out for one for simple tasks.

In short, this non-exhaustive set of features enables squeezing the number of required physical keys and thus keeping the fingers closer to the home row position. There is a vibrant community doing intense experimentation that culminates in systems such as Miryoku.8 9

For those who frequently use the laptop's keyboard or don't have a keyboard running QMK, it is possible to get a taste of its set of features thanks to Kmonad10. Find below how a basic keymap that implements home row mods and a navigation layer would look like in a Kmonad configuration file.

  input   (device-file "/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd")
  output  (uinput-sink "KMonad: Dell XPS 9350 (ISO keyboard)")

  ;; Home row mods
  ;; "A" key on tap, Super key on hold
  *a (tap-hold-next-release 175 a meta)

  ;; "S" key on tap, Alt key on hold
  *s (tap-hold-next-release 175 s lalt)

  ;; "D" key on tap, Ctrl key on hold
  *d (tap-hold-next-release 175 d lctl)

  ;; "F" key on tap, Shift key on hold
  *f (tap-hold-next-release 175 f lsft)

  ;; Mirror modifiers keys on the right hand side
  *j (tap-hold-next-release 175 j lsft)
  *k (tap-hold-next-release 175 k lctrl)
  *l (tap-hold-next-release 175 l lalt)
  *; (tap-hold-next-release 175 ; meta)

  ;; "H" key on tap, enter Navigation layer on hold
  *h (tap-hold-next-release 175 h (layer-toggle nav))

;; Declare the keymap of the original keyboard, the usual ISO laptop keyboard
;; (slightly differs from ANSI).
  esc     f1      f2      f3      f4      f5      f6      f7      f8      f9      f10     f11     f12     prnt    ins     del
  `       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       0       -       =       bspc
  tab     q       w       e       r       t       y       u       i       o       p       [       ]
  caps    a       s       d       f       g       h       j       k       l       ;       '       \       ret
  lsft    lsgt    z       x       c       v       b       n       m       ,       .       /       rsft
  lctl            lmeta   lalt    spc                             ralt    rctrl           left    up      down    rght

  home    pgup    pgdn    end

;; Defines the default layer. The CapsLock/Ctrl swap illustrates how easy it is to remap keys.
(deflayer default
  esc     f1      f2      f3      f4      f5      f6      f7      f8      f9      f10     f11     f12     prnt    ins    del
  `       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       0       -       =       bspc
  tab     q       w       e       r       t       y       u       i       o       p       [       ]
  lctrl   @*a     @*s     @*d     @*f     g       @*h     @*j     @*k     @*l     @*;     '       \       ret
  lsft    lsgt    z       x       c       v       b       n       m       ,       .       /       rsft
  caps            lmeta   lalt    spc                             ralt    rctrl           left    up      down    rght

  home    pgup    pgdn    end

;; Navigation layer
;; The "_" means that the keycode from the default layer is used.
(deflayer nav
  _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _      _
  _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _
  _       pgup    home    up      end     _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _
  _       pgdn    left    down    rght    _       _       lsft    lctrl   lalt    meta    _       _       _
  _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _
  _               _       _       _                               _       _               _       _       _       _

  _       _       _       _

In the sections above, the keyboard has been analyzed from the perspective of ergonomics and firmware. Note that while Kmonad gives a taste of the latter, it improves the former by a very small margin. Nonetheless, it can be an interesting bridge solution for those considering experimenting with these ideas.

Consequences for advanced programs

Software that does keyboard configuration on the OS-level (AutoHotKey, xmodmap, etc) becomes obsolete. Given the importance of the keyboard in human-machine interaction, it is desirable to keep the configuration saved on the device as to ensure that it behaves the same regardless of the system it communicates with.11

Many advanced programs go to great lengths as to lessen the quirks of keyboard design. Emacs and vi bind commands to keys that are easier to reach on standard keyboards at the cost of intuitiveness. For instance, the motivation for binding C-n/p/f/b to cursor movements is grounded, but loses its actuality as soon as pressing the arrows keys becomes just as easy. Among QMK users, it is common practice to have a layer dedicated to navigation keys which is activated by holding down a thumb key. This way, it is possible to eliminate the discomfort of reaching out for these keys and to prefer semantic keybindings over cryptic ones, i.e. PgDn (PgUp) is easier to learn than C-v (M-v).

These programs also frequently implement keyboard macros as a feature of their own, which is not very efficient since each program needs to re-invent the wheel. This can theoretically be solved by having a cross-platform library that would make it easy to implement such a feature. But it would still be subpar. Keyboard macros obviously belong to keyboard firmware, and QMK provides it. It may not yet be as advanced as Emacs' implementation, but it's a solid step in the right direction.

The same argument as above can be made with respect to repeat keys. Emacs implements the feature (repeat.el), and so does QMK. But the latter provides a single implementation and constant behaviour for arbitrary programs and operating systems. QMK also defines an alternative repeat key that performs the dual behaviour of the last pressed key. For instance, if the hit last key was Backspace, then the alternative repeat key would trigger Delete. The same applies to key-chord.el (which is covered by QMK's combos).

The downfall of modal editing as implemented in vi or Kakoune12. The problem with the approach is that, when using several of such programs, the user needs to remember or check the modality state for a fraction of second when cycling between them. Even if we take 3 programs and each of those features 2 modes of operation, then the state space size is 8. In short, this approach doesn't scale. The idea behind modality is certainly interesting but it can be attained in different ways.13 If modality is implemented exclusively on the level of keyboard firmware, then the aforementioned issue vanishes since keeping track of mode toggling when using a single keyboard is easier. It is also possible to achieve modality with a momentary or latching switch. I.e., a layer that serves the purpose of vi's normal mode can be enabled while holding a key, or when a key is pressed and released (then another key press is needed to return to the former layer).


It is not the user-space software's responsibility to account for the idiosyncrasies of poor keyboard design standards. It is urgent to bring modern keyboard design (both hardware and firmware) to the mainstream among knowledge workers. Keyboard firmware that enables user customization is paramount. Tweaking the keyboard's firmware must be as easy as binding a command to a key in Nyxt.

Advanced shell programs become smaller when their users use proper keyboards, which allows for the developers to focus on the project's key goals and tame its complexity. In Nyxt's concrete case, the implementation of the repeat-key command, cruise-control-mode, macro-edit-mode and modal keyschemes would become redundant when using the ideas shared in this article. While redundancy is a characteristic of robust systems, there's still an important dimension to take into account, namely that of health and ergonomics.

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Clojure Deref (Oct 6, 2023)

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Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation.

From the core

Recently Java 21 was released (congrats!) and this has driven a lot of interest and experimentation with the new virtual threads feature. Virtual threads have the ability to park and resume a virtual thread (particularly one blocked on I/O) and this cooperates transparently with many blocking constructs in Java - I/O, sockets, java.util.concurrent.lock, etc. However, one thing it does not (yet) cooperate with is object monitors (synchronized) and thus doing a blocking call while holding a synchronized monitor prevents a virtual thread from parking (ie, "pins" the virtual thread). Note that synchronization itself is not inherently bad - normal use of synchronized to serialize reads and writes to fields is fine (as there is no blocking I/O that can pin a thread).

Several people doing new things with virtual threads have detected cases where user code is doing I/O blocking while Clojure is in a synchronization block, thus pinning threads. The two most important cases are lazy seqs and delay - both hold some suspended computation in a thunk and invoke the thunk under synchronization, thus allowing for the possibility of user I/O under a lock in the language level. As people have raised this as an issue, we have spent the last week taking a hard look at this area.

At a meta level, there are a bunch of options here and we have still not decided on our approach or timeframe. From a user level, it is possible to simply not do (or tolerate) I/O under delay or lazy seqs. Delay is a one-time thing, so it may not generally be an issue to pin a thread that is reading a config file as that is a one-time thing. Pulling I/O over a lazy seq is not uncommon and can definitely present this kind of issue, but there are a lot of other options - controlling via loop/recur, using transducers and sequence, etc. If you are experiencing this problem now, these are probably worth exploring.

We’ve spent a ton of time over the last week looking at the internals of LazySeq and options for avoiding synchronization. The general guidance from Java is to replace synchronized with ReentrantLock (which has virtual thread coordination), but this advice leaves out the inherent tradeoffs in that change. synchronized relies on object monitors which are built into every Java object at the JVM level, whereas ReentrantLocks are additional Java objects (which hold a reference to an internal Sync object). Clojure makes a lot of lazy seqs and allocating two objects (plus adding an additional field to LazySeq) for every lazy seq is a real cost in allocation, heap size, and GC. Additionally, while ReentrantLock seems to be a bit faster than synchronized in Java 21, LazySeq makes one reentrant call, and reentrant calls seems to be noticeably slower than synchronized. There are lots of options though. We think it’s relatively easy to make lazy seq walking faster, but a lot harder to keep realization costs under control (as making locks takes non-zero time). One interesting branch we have explored is making one lock per seq and passing it through the seq as we go - lots of tradeoffs in that.

Additionally, we continue to work on functional interface adapters and method thunks. With FI adapters, we continue to refine when implicit coercion and conversion occur and I think that draws asymptotically closer to completion. With method thunks, we have taken a bit of a detour to examine array class representation.

Generally, classes are represented by symbols that name the class, but this does not work for array classes as they cannot be represented as a valid symbol. The fallback right now is using a String that holds the internal class name, like ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" which I think we can all agree is no fun. Our plan going forward is to support a new array class syntax which is a symbol of the class with a * suffix. Imported classes can use their short name, so String* will represent a Java String[] (or a String…​ vararg). Multiple ** will represent multidimensional arrays. This will work with both classes and with primitives, so long* will be a synonym for the existing longs. Rich also wishes you to notice the C pointer punnery. :)

That was a bit of a diversion, but I think it is a big win to fix a long-time representational gap. It also helps create some new "columns" in the varargs decision matrix, which is not going to be addressed in 1.12, but I think we have teed up to work on immediately after.

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week:

  • fulcro-troubleshooting v7 - A development-time library for Fulcro that helps to detect problems earlier and find and fix their root cause faster

  • minimalist-fulcro-template-backendless - A minimal template for browser-only Fulcro apps for learning

  • clojure-test 2.1.182 - A clojure.test-compatible version of the classic Expectations testing library

  • clerk 0.15.957 - Moldable Live Programming for Clojure

  • deps-diff 1.1 - A tool for comparing transitive dependencies in two deps.edn files

  • datalevin 0.8.20 - A simple, fast and versatile Datalog database

  • antq 2.7.1133 - Point out your outdated dependencies

  • tab 2023-10-03.333 - A tool for tabulating Clojure collections

  • pp 2023-10-05.5 - Pretty-print Clojure data structures, fast

  • raphael 0.3.0 - A Clojure library for parsing strings containing the Terse Triples Language: Turtle

  • clj-otel - An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry

  • neil 0.2.61 - A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects

  • squint 0.2.30 - ClojureScript syntax to JavaScript compiler

  • Tutkain 0.19.0 (alpha) - A Sublime Text package for interactive Clojure development

  • cherry 0.1.9 - Experimental ClojureScript to ES6 module compiler

  • taplet 1.0.58 - A Clojure/ClojureScript macro, let> that works like a let, and also tap>s the binding vector

  • nbb 1.2.179 - Scripting in Clojure on Node.js using SCI

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supa-el: a supaplex level editor in Emacs

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Fleet Below Deck, Part III — State Management

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Vitaly Bragilevsky

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This is a multipart series on building Fleet, a next-generation IDE by JetBrains.

In previous parts of this series, we looked at an overview of the Fleet architecture and discussed the algorithms and data structures that are used under the hood in the editor. In this part, we’ll start looking at the approach we take to implement state management. This is a complicated topic, so we’ll devote a couple of blog posts to it. For now, we’ll focus on how we represent and store elements of the application state. In the next part, we’ll talk more about transactional mechanisms around state management in Fleet.

Fleet has a lot of moving parts and performs many different operations, including:

  • Rendering UI elements and interacting with users.
  • Interacting with other services to obtain data and update UI elements.
  • Dealing with files such as saving, loading, parsing, and displaying the differences between them.
  • Orchestrating back-ends that deal with code insight, completion, and search results.

Many of these are complex operations that can degrade the responsiveness of the interface. Fleet is a distributed application, so it may have several frontends distributed over the network – this complicates things even further. Nevertheless, we have to display all of the information for our users consistently and correctly and guarantee they can work harmoniously between their frontends.

In terms of state management, all of these operations boil down to either reading or updating states. UI elements read states to provide users with the actual data, while users update states by editing their documents and moving things around. There are thousands of such operations taking place every minute. All of this makes proper state management a key element of Fleet.

Our principles

JetBrains has been developing IDEs for more than 20 years. Our experience has led us to the following guiding principles regarding state management in Fleet:

Principle 1: Don’t block anyone

Living in a concurrent world is hard. In Kotlin (and in Fleet) we use lightweight concurrency primitives, called coroutines, to organize our concurrent code. While reading states from many coroutines at the same time creates almost no problems, mutating them can be dangerous. The traditional approach is to acquire a lock for a single writer thread, which causes a long waiting queue to read something. We believe this is inappropriate – it should be acceptable for readers to read a potentially slightly outdated state without any delays. To achieve this behavior, we use a variation on the MVCC (multiversion concurrency control) model to access state elements from coroutines. These coroutines either read some version of the state or mutate the state by providing the new version of it. We read and mutate the state in transactions which are much easier to implement under MVCC.

Principle 2: Be efficiently reactive

States change all the time and the UI should reflect these changes as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever programmed simple animations with your first programming language, you know how to do that: erase everything and redraw it from scratch. Unfortunately, full redrawing takes a lot of time. A better idea is to redraw the part that was changed. To do that, we need a way to determine what exactly has changed. The fewer changes, the better. Once we’ve located the changed part of the state, we need to decide as quickly as possible what depends on that part and execute the corresponding coroutine. We have to be efficient in our reactions to state changes.

Principle 3: Represent data wisely

The first two principles are no more than good declarations without the third one. We have to think hard about the way we store and process our data. Storage with highly efficient lookup and mutate operations is no longer an area exclusive to database system implementers. Fleet, being a distributed IDE, requires all of this too. To fulfill our needs, we had to develop our own internal database solution that would be both flexible and performant enough.

What is a state?

There are three ideas we need to consider when thinking about states in Fleet.

Firstly, it’s represented as a persistent data structure with different versions that model change in time. One way to describe such a world is a linear sequence of epochs that go one after another, known as an epochal time model. All interested parties (yes, coroutines!) always read one of the epochs, but not necessarily the most recent one.

Secondly, our state is a database of entities that contain information about everything you see on your screen and everything we hide under the hood. As with many databases, these entities relate to each other in various ways. 

Thirdly, the state and its mutations boil down to basic triples, called datoms, which are primitive data items that allow us to achieve the efficiency we need. Let’s discuss these ideas in a little more detail.

An epochal time model

For a long time, our programs mutated state. Unfortunately, it’s almost never enough to update just one variable. Usually, we have to change many of them one after another in a consistent way. What if someone observes our state in a half-baked form or even attempts mutating it? Imagine that we’ve increased the string’s length but haven’t provided new content. Our users definitely shouldn’t be able to see that. The idea is to hide inconsistent states behind some façade. Coming from one consistent state to the next takes time. It’s like how an epoch in time follows another.

The epochal time model was first explained to the wider programming community by Rich Hickey in his beautiful talk Are We There Yet (see the transcript), devoted to his ideas on implementing the Clojure programming language. What he talks about is that for some time our programs can live in an immutable, consistent world. Immutability makes many things easier to implement, but it’s impossible to stay in the same world forever. As a result of state writers’ activities, a new immutable, consistent world always follows the previous one.

Fleet’s state is accessible in the form of an immutable snapshot, a collection of all the state elements with guaranteed consistency between them. In this model, updating the state creates a new snapshot. To guarantee consistency as states change, we implement transactions.

Fleet has a component called the Kernel, which is responsible for transitioning snapshots as a consequence of state writers’ activities and providing a reference to the most recent snapshot. Interested parties, both readers and writers, may obtain this reference when they need it, but they can’t be sure that this reference corresponds to the most recent version of the world by the time they use it. The Kernel is also responsible for broadcasting changes to the parties that depend on them. The nice thing is that we don’t need to subscribe manually – it’s enough to read some value to then be notified about its changes in the future.

Writers line up to create new snapshots, but readers are never blocked. However, they can receive slightly outdated information.

The data model for our state

Now we are ready to answer the question, what’s in our state? Well, literally everything: document content with its corresponding file information, all the inferred information about that content, caret positions, plugins loaded and their configuration, views and panels locations, etc. The corresponding data model is described in Fleet via Kotlin interfaces as:

interface DocumentFileEntity : SharedEntity {

var document: DocumentEntity

var fileAddress: FileAddress

var readCharset: DetectedCharset

interface DocumentEntity : SharedEntity {

interface DocumentFileEntity : SharedEntity { @Unique @CascadeDeleteBy var document: DocumentEntity @Unique var fileAddress: FileAddress var readCharset: DetectedCharset // ... } interface DocumentEntity : SharedEntity { var text: Text var writable: Boolean // ... }

interface DocumentFileEntity : SharedEntity {
 var document: DocumentEntity

 var fileAddress: FileAddress

 var readCharset: DetectedCharset
 // ...

interface DocumentEntity : SharedEntity {
 var text: Text
 var writable: Boolean
 // ...

Note: The type Text is in fact a rope which we covered in the previous part of this series.

We use property annotations to describe entity components and the relationships between them. In this example, a document file entity describes the relation between a unique file on a disk drive and a unique document we’ve read from it. The corresponding document entity should be deleted when the document file entity is deleted.

To maintain such a database of entities, we’ve implemented our own database engine, called RhizomeDB. RhizomeDB does not impose any hierarchy upon the entities, hence the name Rhizome, which is a subterranean plant stem that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes.

To access entities as objects which implement properties from interfaces like the examples above, RhizomeDB provides an API. For example, we can get a document based on the given file address as follows:

val document = lookupOne(DocumentFileEntity::fileAddress,

val document = lookupOne(DocumentFileEntity::fileAddress, fileAddress)?.document

val document = lookupOne(DocumentFileEntity::fileAddress,

Now the document object implements the DocumentEntity interface and we can use it to access the content of the document loaded in Fleet.

Our entity data model is flexible enough to represent not only data but also the data model itself. Suppose we want to develop a plugin (we’ll discuss Fleet’s plugins later in this series). Loaded plugins form part of Fleet’s state. All plugins share some common data required to integrate seamlessly with the application. However, every plugin has its own state, described with its own data model. This is not a problem for RhizomeDB. We can represent the plugin’s data model with entities. When we load a plugin, we also load its data model as a new entity. As a result, Fleet’s state management system is ready to accept the plugin’s state data.

State as a set of triples

Although our API gives us objects to work with entities, we don’t store them as such. Instead, we represent them in triples: [entity_id, attribute, value]. We call these triples datoms (the term comes from the Datomic database, which we’ve modeled our data structures after). 

Suppose the entity id for some particular file referring to a document is 18, and the entity id for the corresponding document is 19. The data would be stored as triples:

  • [18 :type DocumentFile]
  • [18 :document 19]
  • [18 :fileAddress "~/file.kt"]
  • [18 :readCharset "UTF-8"]

Note that properties of interfaces become attributes of triples. There are also various attributes like :type with special meanings. Types of values depend on the types of properties. When referring to other entities, property values are IDs.

The seemingly primitive structure of triples is quite effective when it comes to looking up data. Our engine is able to return very fast answers to queries in the form of a mask: [entity_id?, attribute?, value?], where any component may be either present or missing. The result of a query is always a set of datoms, which satisfies the given mask.

For example, we can ask for all filenames of currently loaded document files:

[? :fileAddress ?]

Or we can look for entity_id, which corresponds to a file with the given name:

[? :fileAddress "~/file.kt"]

For the second query, thanks to the uniqueness constraint, there should be no more than one answer in the resulting set.

To make queries run fast enough, the RhizomeDB maintains four indexes (each implemented as a hash trie):

  • Entity | Attribute | Value
  • Attribute | Entity | Value
  • Value | Attribute | Entity
  • Attribute | Value | Entity

The lookup* family of functions from the RhizomeDB API operates on these indexes to find the corresponding triples and build resultant entity objects.

RhizomeDB is heavily inspired by Datomic but adds some new ideas like read-tracking and query reactivity, which work for our use case. These features help us to deal with state changes as we’ll see shortly.

What is the change?

There is almost nothing curious about an immutable state. Interesting things come up when we change something. We’d like to know what was changed in the state and which UI elements need to be updated. To deal with changes we’ve implemented the following three ideas:

  • We record what exactly was changed as the novelty of the change.
  • We track what readers are querying.
  • We determine which queries would give new results because of this change.

Let’s discuss these ideas and see how they work in Fleet.

Novelty values

Remember that we strive to be immutable whenever possible, so we are not allowed to mutate values. Remember also that our state has the form of a snapshot containing a set of triples with entity IDs, attributes, and their values, representing corresponding data entities. Instead of mutating attributes’ values, for any change, we produce a new state snapshot with a new value of an attribute we want to change. A change then is simply removing an old value and adding a new one. To rename a file, for example, we do the following:

- [18 :fileAddress "~/file.kt"]

+ [18 :fileAddress "~/newFile.kt"]

- [18 :fileAddress "~/file.kt"] + [18 :fileAddress "~/newFile.kt"]

- [18 :fileAddress "~/file.kt"]
+ [18 :fileAddress "~/newFile.kt"]

Note that these two operations must be executed inside a transaction. Otherwise, you would observe the state without a filename at all. Running such a transaction gives us a new state snapshot with a new filename.

As such, any change is just a set of removals and additions of datoms. A transaction may result in many such removals and additions for different entities and attributes. Moreover, the difference between two snapshots is also such a set. From the entity IDs and attributes in the changeset, we know precisely which state components have been changed during the transaction. These are called the novelty of the change. Once we’ve executed a transaction, we record these novelty values.

Read-tracking and query reactivity

We know that readers access data in the state via queries. Queries have the form of a mask. It’s easy to track all the masks from a particular function. Once we have this information for all of our functions, we can determine which functions depend on which mask.

After every change, we get its novelty values. If we go over all the masks queried, we see which queries are affected by the change. Thanks to read-tracking, now we know which functions are affected. Consequently, we can invalidate the UI elements that call these functions. This makes the UI reaction highly efficient.

We use read-tracking for more than just updating UI elements. It’s quite a general mechanism that allows for useful patterns in reactive programming. For example, if we have a function that queries state, we can easily turn it into an asynchronous flow. Whenever changes in the state affect the result of such a function, we emit a new element of the flow. We can also safely cache query results without the risk of having outdated cached values. Once the value is updated in the state, we’ll know that immediately.


In this part of our series on how we build Fleet, we’ve employed an epochal time model via a series of immutable snapshots and built smart data representation in order to maintain our state. Our data exist on two levels: as data entities convenient for developers to work with, and as triples suitable for efficient looking up. When we change something, we record what was changed, determine those who are interested in these particular changes, and cause them to update the corresponding UI elements.

Keeping this background in mind, now we’re ready to discuss the distributed nature of Fleet’s state and transactional mechanisms that allow us to change it in a consistent way. We’ll do just that in the next blog post of this series. Stay tuned!

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729 days ago
JetBrans new Fleet editor implemented a new RhizomeDB inspired by Datomic
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Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits

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While I was at PKC, our team did upwards of twenty code audits, many of them for startups that were just around their Series A or B (that was usually when they had cash and realized that it’d be good to take a deeper look at their security, after the do-or-die focus on product market fit).

It was fascinating work – we dove deep on a great cross-section of stacks and architectures, across a wide variety of domains. We found all sorts of security issues, ranging from catastrophic to just plain interesting. And we also had a chance to chat with senior engineering leadership and CTOs more generally about the engineering and product challenges they were facing as they were just starting to scale.

It’s also been fascinating to see which of those startups have done well and which have faded, now that some of those audits are 7-8 years ago.

I want to share some of the more surprising things I’ve internalized from these observations, roughly ordered from most general to most security specific.

  1. You don’t need hundreds of engineers to build a great product. I wrote a longer piece about this, but essentially, despite the general stage of startup we audited being pretty similar, the engineering team sizes varied a lot. Surprisingly, sometimes the most impressive products with the broadest scope of features were built by the smaller teams. And it was these same “small but mighty” teams that, years later, are crushing their markets.
  2. Simple Outperformed Smart. As a self-admitted elitist, it pains me to say this, but it’s true: the startups we audited that are now doing the best usually had an almost brazenly ‘Keep It Simple’ approach to engineering. Cleverness for cleverness sake was abhorred. On the flip side, the companies where we were like ”woah, these folks are smart as hell” for the most part kind of faded. Generally, the major foot-gun (which I talk about more in a previous post on foot-guns) that got a lot of places in trouble was the premature move to microservices, architectures that relied on distributed computing, and messaging-heavy designs.
  3. Our highest impact findings would always come within the first and last few hours of the audit. If you think about it, this makes sense: in the first few hours of the audit, you find the lowest-hanging fruit. Things that stick out like a sore thumb just from grepping the code and testing some basic functionality. During the last few hours, you’ve fully contexted in to the new codebase, and things begin to click.
  4. Writing secure software has gotten remarkably easier in the last 10 years. I don’t have statistically sound evidence to back this up, but it seems like code written before around 2012 tended to have a lot more vulnerabilities per SLOC than code written after 2012 (we started auditing in 2014). Maybe it was the Web 2.0 frameworks, or increased security awareness amongst devs. Whatever it was, I think this means that security really has improved on a fundamental basis in terms of the tools and defaults software engineers now have available.
  5. All the really bad security vulnerabilities were obvious. Probably a fifth of the code audits we did, we’d find The Big One – a vulnerability so bad that we’d call up our clients and tell them to fix it immediately. I can’t remember a single case where that vulnerability was very clever. In fact, that’s part of what made the worst vulnerabilities bad — we were worried primarily because they’d be easy to find and exploit. “Discoverability” has been a component of impact analysis for a while, so this isn’t new. But I do think that discoverability should be much more heavily weighted. Discoverability is everything, when it comes to actual exposure. Hackers are lazy and they look for the lowest-hanging fruit. They won’t care about finageling even a very severe heap-spray vulnerability if they can reset a user’s password because the reset token was in the response (as Uber found out circa 2016). The counterargument to this is that heavily weighting discoverability perpetuates ”Security by Obscurity,” since it relies so heavily on guessing what an attacker can or should know. But again, personal experience strongly suggests that in practice, discoverability is a great predictor of actual exploitation.
  6. Secure-by-default features in frameworks and infrastructure massively improved security. I wrote a longer piece about this too, but essentially, things like React default escaping all HTML to avoid cross-site scripting, and serverless stacks taking configuration of operating system and web server out of the hands of developers, dramatically improved the security of the companies that used them. Compare this to our PHP audits, which were riddled with XSS. These newer stacks/frameworks are not impenetrable, but their attackable surface area is smaller in precisely the places that make a massive difference in practice.
  7. Monorepos are easier to audit. Speaking from the perspective of security researcher ergonomics, it was easier to audit a monorepo than a series of services split up into different code bases. There was no need to write wrapper scripts around the various tools we had. It was easier to determine if a given piece of code was used elsewhere. And best of all, there was no need to worry about a common library version being different on another repo.
  8. You could easily spend an entire audit going down the rabbit trail of vulnerable dependency libraries. It’s incredibly hard to tell if a given vulnerability in a dependency is exploitable. We as an industry are definitely underinvesting in securing foundational libraries, which is why things like Log4j were so impactful. Node and npm were absolutely terrifying in this regard—the dependency chains were just not auditable. It was a huge boon when GitHub released dependabot because we could for the most part just tell our clients to upgrade things in priority order.
  9. Never deserialize untrusted data. This happened the most in PHP, because for some reason, PHP developers love to serialize/deserialize objects instead of using JSON, but I’d say almost every case we saw where a server was deserializing a client object and parsing it led to a horrible exploit. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Portswigger has a good breakdown of what can go wrong (incidentally, focused on PHP. Coincidence?). In short, the common thread in all deserialization vulnerabilities is that giving a user the ability to manipulate an object that is subsequently used by the server is an extremely powerful capability with a wide surface area. It’s conceptually similar to both prototype pollution, and user-generated HTML templates. The fix? It’s far better to allow a user to send a JSON object (it has so few possible data types), and to manually construct the object based on the fields in that object. It’s slightly more work, but well worth it!
  10. Business logic flaws were rare, but when we found one they tended to be epically bad. Think about it — flaws in business logic are guaranteed to affect the business. An interesting corollary is that even if your protocol is built to provide provably-secure properties, human error in the form of bad business logic is surprisingly common (you need look no further than the series of absolutely devastating exploits that take advantage of badly written smart contracts).
  11. Custom fuzzing was surprisingly effective. A couple years into our code auditing, I started requiring all our code audits to include making a custom fuzzers to test product APIs, authentication, etc. This is somewhat commonly done, and I stole this idea from Thomas Ptacek, which he alludes to in his Hiring Post. Before we did this, I actually thought it was a waste of time—I just always figured it was an example of misapplied engineering, and that audit hours were better spent reading code and trying out various hypothesis. But it turns out fuzzing was surprisingly effective and efficient in terms of hours spent, especially on the larger codebases.
  12. Acquisitions complicated security quite a bit. There were more code patterns to review, more AWS accounts to look at, more variety in SDLC tooling. And of course, usually the acquisition meant an entirely new language and/or framework with its own patterns in use.
  13. There was always at least one closet security enthusiast amongst the software engineers. It was always surprising who it was, and they almost always never knew it was them! As security skillsets get more software-skewed, there’s huge arbitrage here if these folks can be reliably identified.
  14. Quick turnarounds on fixing vulnerabilities usually correlated with general engineering operational excellence. The best cases were clients who asked us to just give them a constant feed of anything we found, and they’d fix it right away.
  15. Almost no one got JWT tokens and webhooks right on the first try. With webhooks, people almost always forgot to authenticate incoming requests (or the service they were using didn’t allow for authentication…which was pretty messed up!). This class of problem led to Josh, one of our researchers, to begin asking a series of questions that led to a DefCON/Blackhat talk. JWT is notoriously hard to get right, even if you’re using a library, and there were a lot of implementations that failed to properly expire tokens on logout, incorrectly checked the JWT for authenticity, or simply trusted it by default.
  16. There’s still a lot of MD5 in use out there, but it’s mostly false positives. It turns out MD5 is used for a lot of other things besides an (in)sufficiently collision-resistant password hash. For example, because it’s so fast, it’s often used in automated testing to quickly generate a whole lot of pseudo-random GUIDs. In these cases, the insecure properties of MD5 don’t matter, despite what your static analysis tool may be screaming at you.

I’m curious if you’ve seen any of these, as well as others! Or, drop me a note if you disagree!

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754 days ago
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For a while, all ATC message routing in Germany was done through Emacs (2021)

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Article URL: https://teddit.net/r/emacs/comments/lly7po/do_you_use_emacs_lisp_as_a_general_purpose/gnvzisy/#c

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31253981

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